Friday, 13 January 2012

A Birthday Poem

This is a favourite poem of mine at the moment, it seems quite apt as it is my birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Me!

Keep Saying This - Wendy Cope

Keep saying this and don't forget:
Although you think you're very old,
The party isn't over yet.

You lie awake at night beset
By dread of being dead and cold.
Keep saying this and don't forget:

It doesn't help at all to fret
About what can't be controlled.
The party isn't over yet.

Although your nature wasn't set
In a serene or fearless mould,
Keep saying this and don't forget:

In ten years time you may regret
Surrendering to gloom. Be bold.
The party isn't over yet.

No point in living if you let
Your terror of the end take hold.
Keep saying this and don't forget
The party isn't over yet.


  1. This poem is just what I need to read at the moment. Thanks for sharing and a VERY Happy Birthday for tomorrow! xx

  2. Thankyou Jacs, I am glad you liked the poem. I had a great birthday, we spent it at Andy's Father's Wedding, at a very nice hotel. Great company & lovely food.
